British woo Tesla – Musk cautious because of „Brexit“

British woo Tesla – Musk cautious because of „Brexit“

5. Juni 2020 0 Von Horst Buchwald

British woo Tesla – Musk cautious because of „Brexit“

London, 6.6.2020

UK politicians are working hard to make Tesla aware of the advantages of having a production facility in their country. According to reports, the Ministry of International Trade is looking for a plot of land to house a production facility as well as a research and development facility for the car manufacturer.

The favourite is an industrial estate in Somerset, a county in southwest England, where at least 650 acres could be a potential location. The site would be smaller than Tesla’s Berlin production facility, but larger than the Fremont plant. Elon Musk was cautious about „brexite“.

Europa entwickelt sich zu einem Top-Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge, wobei Großbritannien kürzlich erklärt hat, dass es den Verkauf aller Benzin- und Dieselfahrzeuge bis 2035 einstellen wird. Auch andere Länder in der Region haben ähnliche Zusagen gemacht.