Can it be done: converting brain waves of a paralyzed man into speech?

Can it be done: converting brain waves of a paralyzed man into speech?

21. Juli 2021 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Can it be done: converting brain waves of a paralyzed man into speech?
San Franzisco, 7/21/2021.

Neurosurgeons at the University of California used medical implants to convert a paralyzed man’s brain waves into sentences on a computer.
The neuroprosthetic device relies on electrodes implanted in the patient’s brain and algorithms that convert brain waves that control movements of the lips, jaw, tongue and larynx into words on a computer screen.
The man was paralyzed in a car accident 18 years ago, at age 20. Over two years, the scientists trained the algorithm in 50 sessions. The algorithm was taught 50 words that could be used to form more than 1,000 sentences.
Each word the patient imagines takes 3-4 seconds to appear on the computer screen. The device is still a prototype, and researchers want to improve its speed, accuracy, and vocabulary range.
Their goal is for the device to convert thoughts into speech rather than text.