Background of cyberattacks on Microsoft Exchange servers clarified?

Background of cyberattacks on Microsoft Exchange servers clarified?

2. September 2021 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Background of cyberattacks on Microsoft Exchange servers clarified?

Washington, Sept. 2, 2021

A hack on Microsoft Exchange servers could help China improve its AI systems, an NPR investigation has found.

The Biden administration accused China and its allies of working with criminal groups to commit the cyberattacks earlier this year.

The hack may have allowed China to „gather vast amounts of information to develop better artificial intelligence,“ NPR reports.

According to Kiersten Todt of the Cyber Readiness Institute, Beijing has a „long-term project underway“ that involves amassing various data sets, though details are sparse.

In 2017, the Chinese Communist Party announced plans to make AI a national priority, which includes amassing „information from which world-class algorithms must learn.“

The Beijing-backed attacks reportedly affected more than 30,000 companies and 250,000 Microsoft Exchange servers worldwide.

China may now have personal data on an estimated 80% of Americans.