Unique insights into the talent pool for software engineers

Unique insights into the talent pool for software engineers

8. September 2021 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Unique insights into the talent pool for software engineers

San Francisco, 8/9/2021

The battle for talent in software engineering is one of the toughest in the world. The San Francisco Bay Area, in particular, is wrestling hook, line and sinker. To that end, Celential.ais has released a recent report that offers recruiters and talent managers „unique insights into the labor supply“ for software engineers in Silicon Valley. The publishers emphasize: The report is based on Celential.ai’s rich talent graph of 5 million software engineers in North America and an AI algorithm that provides a deep understanding of individuals and companies.

Here are some interesting findings from the report:

►There are a total of 341,000 software engineers in Silicon Valley, of which back-end engineers make up the majority of the workforce.

►While 57% of engineers have less than 10 years of experience, DevOps engineers tend to be more experienced than others.

►Early 50% of software engineers in Silicon Valley graduated abroad, primarily in India and China.

►Nearly 10 % of engineers are self-taught without a college degree.

►On average, engineers stay 2 years and 9 months in their first job and 2 years and 3 months in their second job.

