Google – Drive – users now get timely warnings about malware

Google – Drive – users now get timely warnings about malware

31. Januar 2022 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Google – Drive – users now get timely warnings about malware

Los Angeles, 1/31/2022.

Google Drive users worldwide will now receive a warning before opening a „potentially suspicious“ file that could contain malware or ransomware. The warnings are issued automatically and cannot be disabled by administrators.

Between May and October 2021, the Google Threat Analysis Group cracked down on a Russian phishing network that sent URLs via email or a file in Google Drive to hack YouTube channels. Once compromised, the YouTube accounts were used to sell cryptocurrencies for $3,000 to $4,000.

Google is already issuing warnings for victims of state-sponsored hackers. More than 50,000 warnings were issued between January and October 2021, a 33% increase from the previous year.