On this video everyone dances like a pro
7. November 2019On this video everyone dances like a pro
New York, November 7, 2019.
If you have two left feet, but you wish you could dance like a pro and look like you really could, then try this software.
All you need is a single full body photo and your dance is as perfect as that of your dance teacher.
This package was developed by an NVIDIA research team. They recently published a paper about the technology on the pre-print server arXiv, and they have committed to release the code ( release the code) as soon as lawyers „solve some legal problems“.
In addition to working on people, the AI can also make sculptures look like they’re also ripping their asses off. It can also be applied to faces so that a person looks like they’re saying something they didn’t say. And as if that weren’t enough, it can also take a picture of any city and output a video of a car apparently driving along the streets.
This isn’t the first AI designed to create videos in which a person seems to be doing something they didn’t do – or can’t do – but two things distinguish them from most others. First, it doesn’t need a lot of pictures or videos from a target to work. Second, other AIs can typically only output videos from a target that is included in their training set – this works with one picture of each.
The clips may not be perfect, but they should give you an idea of how close we are to easily creating flawless deepfakes-and how badly we need technology to recognize them.
NVIDIA’s new AI can make anyone move like Jagger with just a single photo :
NVIDIA’s new AI can make anyone move like Jagger with just a single photo