Cyber attack: Lockbit wants 70 million US dollars from chip manufacturer TSMC

Cyber attack: Lockbit wants 70 million US dollars from chip manufacturer TSMC

3. Juli 2023 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Cyber attack: Lockbit wants 70 million US dollars from chip manufacturer TSMC

Taipei, 6/3/2023

Lockbit’s cyber extortionists are not there yet. They gave Taiwanese chip manufacturing giant TSMC 37 days to pay the $70 million ransom demand. If you don’t pay, the cyber gangs would publish „entry points into the network, as well as passwords and log-ins for the company.“

Lockbit’s cyber blackmailers gave the Taiwanese contract chip manufacturer TSMC just under 37 days to respond to a ransom demand of 70 million US dollars. In the event of a refusal to pay, the cyber gangsters threaten. This reports heise-online.


As for the background, TSMC explained that the company was recently made aware of a cyber security incident at one of its IT hardware suppliers. Information about the initial setup and configuration of a server was leaked. „At TSMC, every hardware component undergoes a series of extensive tests and adjustments, including security configurations, before being built into TSMC’s system,“ the company added.