US Judge on AI Generated Artwork

US Judge on AI Generated Artwork

22. August 2023 0 Von Horst Buchwald

US Judge on AI Generated Artwork

San San Francisco, 8/22/2023

According to a recent ruling by a US District Court judge, artworks created by AI are not subject to copyright protection.

Judge Beryl Howell upheld an earlier decision by the U.S. Copyright Office and that artworks created solely by AI without human involvement cannot be protected by copyright under US law.

The case: It is about computer scientist Stephen Thaler’s attempt to register a 2D artwork created with his AI-powered „creativity engine.“

Thaler, the CEO of Imagination Engines, challenged the Copyright Office’s refusal to copyright his AI-generated artwork titled „A Recent Entrance to Paradise.“

Despite Thaler’s lawsuit, Judge Howell supported the rejection in her most recent ruling, emphasizing that copyright rests on human authorship as a fundamental premise.

In response, Thaler’s attorney said they plan to appeal.