Is Google now at the throat?

Is Google now at the throat?

11. September 2023 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Is Google now at the throat?

Washington, September 11, 2023


On Tuesday, the US Justice Department will begin an antitrust case against Google in a Washington district court. The central charges are: Google monopolized online search and used anti-competitive practices.

The trial, expected to last 10 weeks, represents a major challenge to Big Tech’s dominance and could set a precedent in the fight against industrial monopolies.

The Justice Department and state attorneys general will argue that Google violated anti-monopoly laws by entering into exclusive agreements with Internet browsers and phone makers – such as Apple, Mozilla and Samsung – to make its search engine the default choice for their products, thereby limiting competition.

Google is also accused of requiring Android partners to pre-install Gmail and other apps, which Google denies.

Google claims that its partners select its search engine based on quality and consumer preferences.