Preventing abuse with AI – art generator from DeviantArt

Preventing abuse with AI – art generator from DeviantArt

14. November 2022 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Preventing abuse with AI – art generator from DeviantArt

San Francisco, 11/14/2022

DeviantArt, the artist platform owned by Wix, has launched its own AI art generator. This allows artists to prevent their art from being used illegally.

DeviantArt lets users choose whether their images can be included in datasets used to train and develop third-party AI models. Creators can opt out of having their work scraped without their knowledge or consent.

„To support AI art, we also need to implement fair tools and put protections in place in this space,“ CEO Moti Levy told TechCrunch.
DreamUp is based on the Stable Diffusion AI text-to-image generator.