DFKI tests health app with holistic data for EU project CrowdHEALTH
17. September 2019DFKI tests health app with holistic data for EU project CrowdHEALTH
Bremen, 17.9.2019
Whether jogging or eating: More and more people are using digital technologies to track and optimize their health. However, due to the large number of different providers, very different data volumes are created that are difficult to compare. With the EU project CrowdHEALTH and a new WebApp, the research department Cyber-Physical Systems of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) wants to bundle these data together with international partners in a secure way and evaluate them through AI-based analyses. Participants are now being sought for the test of the health app.
The aim of the project is to carry out meaningful analyses with high-quality holistic data. This refers to data from all areas of personal well-being. In addition to information on health, nutrition and fitness, this also includes information on social activities and habits. The Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research unit of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence has developed a WebApp to record these holistic health data („Holistic Health Record“), which is now entering the test phase.
Secure data through registration with pseudonym
With the help of the mobile-compliant WebApp, holistic data are collected which serve as the basis for the subsequent analysis procedures using artificial intelligence. The app is used under an untraceable pseudonym. Only an e-mail address is required to register as a test person. However, this is stored by a non-reversible encryption and is only used for the login. Any further information is provided using the pseudonym. In addition to the direct entry of health-relevant data, the WebApp can also be connected to the fitness tracker „FitBit“. In this way, the measurement results of the bracelet can be transferred directly without any problems.
The test phase of the new WebApp of the research division Cyber-Physical Systems under the direction of Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler is planned for about six months. In the end, a semantic database is to be created with which the AI-based analysis methods can be tested on the extensive mathematical-logical data. The WebApp can also be used to provide feedback on functionality and user friendliness. The test persons not only support health research; they also help to make the CrowdHEALTH project as effective as possible.
International consortium works on the health of tomorrow
The results obtained from the investigation of complex correlations, such as between shopping behaviour, sports habits and the social interactions of the test persons, are intended to serve decision-makers throughout Europe. This includes the institutions of the European Union as well as scientific research in the field of public health, public authorities, schools and insurance.
The CrowdHEALTH project is part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme and represents an important step towards holistic health. Five pilot studies are being carried out across Europe by the 20 institutions cooperating in the consortium. The study on the DFKI WebApp is the only one that focuses specifically on nutrition and activities.
Further information and the registration for participation can be found under the following link:
Projekt CrowdHEALTH: www.crowdhealth.eu
Registration to the WebApp: ch.baall.de