Hacked high profile Twitter accounts

Hacked high profile Twitter accounts

21. Juli 2020 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Hacked high profile Twitter accounts

Washington, 21.7.2020

Attackers hacked several high-profile Twitter accounts last week, including those of Barack Obama and Elon Musk, to spread a crypto currency scam. Lait AP sent the hackers tweets offering to send $2,000 per $1,000 to a Bitcoin address, but the tweets were subsequently deleted.

Twitter explained the process as follows: the attackers gained access to the accounts by targeting employees who had access to Twitter’s internal systems. According to The Verge, the scammers appeared to have earned nearly $120,000 on Wednesday afternoon. After the attack, Twitter blocked owners of verified accounts from tweeting for several hours.
The accounts of Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Kanye West were also hacked and the accounts of the Gemini crypto wallet and the Coinbase wallet app were compromised.