CEO of NSO Group has resigned

24. August 2022 0 Von Horst Buchwald

CEO of NSO Group has resigned

Tel Aviv, 8/24/2022.

The CEO of Israeli spy program maker NSO Group has resigned. Shalev Hulio will be replaced by the company’s current COO.

NSO is an Israeli cybersecurity company best known for developing the Pegasus spy software. Under a new management plan, another 100 positions in the company will be restructured and eliminated.

Pegasus spy software made headlines after it was reported that NSO had sold the software to several governments so they could spy on private conversations.

NSO was blacklisted from U.S. exports in 2021, and companies like WhatsApp have also accused the company of eavesdropping on private conversations.

The spy software was even used to spy on high-ranking officials such as the Spanish prime minister and EU commissioners.