Microsoft also wants to make Bing AI available on Google Chrome and Safari

Microsoft also wants to make Bing AI available on Google Chrome and Safari

25. Juli 2023 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Microsoft also wants to make Bing AI available on Google Chrome and Safari

San Francisco, 7/25/2023

Microsoft is now testing Bing AI in the Google Chrome and Safari web browsers, expanding the availability of the chatbot beyond the Edge browser.

With the latest update, users can click the chat option on the Bing search interface in Chrome or Safari to open the AI dialog page. Previously, users attempting to access Bing Chat through third-party browsers were redirected to Edge.

Using Bing Chat in Chrome and Safari comes with limitations. This includes a maximum of five questions per conversation, the number of characters is limited to 2,000, but is to be expanded. Edge allows 30 questions and 4,000 words

lich. Chat on Chrome and Safari is gradually expanding and is currently only available on desktop browsers in the US. Mobile browser users will still be directed to install Edge browser.

The inevitable introduction of AI-powered search engines still raises concerns among users, particularly in terms of privacy and the risk of serving content originating from sites that spread misinformation.