Apple to detect depression with algorithm and sensors

Apple to detect depression with algorithm and sensors

28. September 2021 0 Von Horst Buchwald

Apple to detect depression with algorithm and sensors

San Francisco, 9/28/2021

Apple is working on an algorithm that detects depression based on a number of data factors and sensors. Apple is collaborating with UCLA on a study to analyze anxiety, stress and depression, The Wallstreet Journal reported:

However, the project is still in its early stages and reportedly uses a similar methodology to that described in previous studies involving Apple. With one difference: now it uses camera or motion sensors to detect anomalies.

Apple is also working with biotech company Biogen to track iPhone and Apple Watch data. The goal in this case: to detect mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Apple has a number of medical research partnerships, including a study with Duke University to analyze concentration in children.

It also had a partnership with Stanford to detect irregular heart rhythms, which eventually became a feature of the Apple Watch.